St Michael Sonning Common

St. Michael Catholic Church in Sonning Common is located in South Oxfordshire and is a part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The parish not only covers Sonning Common, but also includes Emmer Green, Caversham Park Village in North Reading, and several smaller villages in South Oxfordshire such as Kidmore End, Rotherfield Peppard, and Stoke Row.


The aim of our website is two-fold:

  • To be a first point of contact and welcome for people searching for a Catholic church in this area.
  • To keep current members of the parish community informed of parish activities.

If you are new to the parish please click here or visit the New Parishioners page in the Parish Notes section.



Liturgies This Week

(From 24th March)
Monday 9.30am: Eucharistic Service
7.00pm: Holy Hour
Tuesday 12 noon: Mass (The Annunciation)
Wednesday: No liturgy
Thursday 9.30am: Mass
Friday: No liturgy
Saturday (Vigil for Sunday) 5.30pm: Mass
Sunday 9.00am and 10.30am: Mass

During Lent
Holy Hour each Monday at 7pm
Stations of the Cross 20 minutes before each weekend Mass
and after the Tuesday and Thursday Masses

For all our Lent and Easter activities click the Lent & Easter 2025 tab.

For the Parish Pastoral Council minutes click here. Your opinion is important to us and we would appreciate your feedback.

To read the latest Thoughtful Living newsletter click this Thoughtful Living link.

Foodbank. Donations of items such as: instant coffee; long life milk; tinned fruit, vegetables and desserts; cakes; biscuits; crackers and crisps are always gratefully received. Place donations in the box at the back of church.

If you missed Luke Theobald's reflections in the newsletter during our month of prayer for vocations, they can be found by clicking the Newsletter tab and then Luke Theobalds Reflections.

We have had trouble with our streaming service but hope it is now working again.

For the benefit of those who are ill or housebound, Masses are streamed live on our YouTube channel (@SaintMichael-SonningCommon) and can be accessed via the following links:
3rd Sunday of Lent 23rd March - 10.30am https://youtube.com/live/BVLepEyn_vU?feature=share
Tuesday 25th March - 12.00 noon (The Annunciation) https://youtube.com/live/TP1NJTxggLs?feature=share
4th  Sunday of Lent (Vigil) 29th March - 5.30pm  https://youtube.com/live/FFSgD2O3UeA?feature=share
4th  Sunday of Lent 30th March - 9.00am  https://youtube.com/live/_-eoVfZIWRw?feature=share
4th  Sunday of Lent 30th March - 10.30am  https://youtube.com/live/HPd1tUvmHF8?feature=share
Tuesday 1st April - 12.00 noon  https://youtube.com/live/vBEUwTUPLWc?feature=share
5th  Sunday of Lent (Vigil) 5th April - 5.30pm  https://youtube.com/live/nPov1sB2tLk?feature=share
5th Sunday of Lent 6th April - 9.00am  https://youtube.com/live/Jq5oTlXWaRs?feature=share
5th Sunday of Lent 6th April - 10.30am  https://youtube.com/live/3kG1XylhQCA?feature=share

Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in these services obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-737382. All rights reserved
Mass videos will remain on YouTube for a few days after the event.

If you require the Sacrament of the Sick please contact the parish office.
DONA machine

To make on online donation to the parish please use this link: https://donate.mydona.com/st-michaels-sonning-common Thank you for your support.

The Archdiocese of Birmingham has a zero-tolerance approach to all Abuse.

Reporting abuse

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.

It is the policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales to report all allegations of abuse to statutory authorities, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the accused person is living or deceased.

As per the code of conduct, if you are in any role within the Catholic Church in England and Wales, you must refer allegations directly to the Safeguarding Team in your diocese or religious congregation, or directly to the police.

If you are a member of the public, please refer allegations directly to the police and to the Diocesan Safeguarding office on 0121 230 6240 (safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk).

All Church activity should provide a safe environment which promotes and supports the wellbeing of everyone and protects them from harm.

The Catholic Church in England and Wales has committed to a common set of National safeguarding standards to help protect children and adults who may be vulnerable or at risk. Each Diocese has a Safeguarding Team and a Trustee Sub Committee, which has oversight of that work.

Each parish has a Safeguarding Representative.
Your Parish Safeguarding Representative: Mary Lewis

They provide the link between the parish and the safeguarding team, promote safe practice in all activities involving children and adults and advice on safeguarding matters in the parish.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team
Tel: 0121 230 6240, Email: safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk

They provide advice to safeguarding representatives and parish priests and manage more serious safeguarding concerns. They have responsibility for Diocesan-wide policy, practice and training and safer recruitment processes.

Head of Safeguarding: Claire Reay
Safeguarding Advisor: Bev Lewis
Safeguarding Advisor: Sarah Fullard
Safeguarding Advisor: Georgina McCaugherty
Safeguarding Advisor: Lisa Anderson
Administration Support Officer: Jackie Crawford
Administration Support Officer: Angela Arkley

Educare Online Safeguarding Training
Free to access modules in child and adult safeguarding, email educare@rcaob.org.uk for further information.

Safe Spaces is an independent and confidential support service for adults who have been abused by someone in the Church. If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can support you.
Free helpline: 0300 303 1056

The Isaiah Journey - A Guide for Survivors of Abuse
V1.1 Site © Gabriel Media. All rights reserved.
Text & Images are © their respective holders.
A proportion of the revenue from the sale of this site goes to the Gabriel Education Trust.